Thursday, April 26, 2007

Time to grow up....

I admit it. I have not been updating this thing because 1) I have been hella busy with work and school 2) I have been saddened by the lack of comments. However, I'm turning over a new leaf. Who gives about comments or no comments! This is purely for my own interest and merriment. And so I will try to be a frequent blogger again. I know there are people that just peruse without leaving a message. Please do so, because unfortunately I'm a little narcissistic (sp?) like that. Haha.....
Talking about narcissism....I am sometimes very disappointed that I am a teacher because of one vain reason: the ugly uniforms we are required to wear.
At the moment......because its "spring" I trudge to school wearing this....

Yes, I look like those techies in Best Buy. I think I'm going to have to do a redesign. Next week is my sketch of my version of the new school uniform.....

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